Pre-op Education
Patients are required to complete three educational sessions prior to surgery. These sessions are available below. There is a short quiz that must be completed at the conclusion of the video. You will receive a confirmation number, after you pass the quiz. Please report your confirmation number to the Wellness and Weight Loss Center at 606-218-6358.Note: These sessions are also available in a classroom setting.
Once you click the "continue" button below, you will be forwarded to a page that will allow you to view the course content.
After the video, you must successfully complete a 12 question quiz to ensure that you understand the material presented in the seminar. YOU WILL NEED TO PRINT YOUR TEST RESULTS INCLUDING YOUR CONFIRMATION NUMBER, OR YOU MAY SIMPLY WRITE DOWN THE CONFIRMATION NUMBER.Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Call to undefined function mysql_select_db() in /home/pmchosp/public_html/contents/blog_ce_reclaim2.php:29 Stack trace: #0 {main} thrown in /home/pmchosp/public_html/contents/blog_ce_reclaim2.php on line 29