    • SEPTEMBER 25, 2023
    Advanced Women’s Care At PMC

    Advanced Women’s Care At PMC

    A woman has unique health needs that change throughout her life. With this in mind, Pikeville Medical Center (PMC) established the Eastern Kentucky Advanced Women’s Care Center to offer comprehensive services to meet those needs from pregnancy through childbirth and the health of the entire female reproductive system. PMC offers Eastern Kentucky’s largest on-call, board-certified

    • SEPTEMBER 18, 2023
    Peak Asthma Season Arrives in September

    Peak Asthma Season Arrives in September

    One of the most common medical conditions in the United States is asthma. Asthma is a chronic condition that affects the airways in the lungs. This condition causes these airways to become inflamed and narrowed at times and can be triggered by various sources, including pollen, exercise, viral infection or cold air. Many people consider

    • SEPTEMBER 14, 2023
    PMC Specialty Pharmacy Improving Patient Outcomes

    PMC Specialty Pharmacy Improving Patient Outcomes

    Unlike traditional retail pharmacies, specialty pharmacies cater to patients with complex and often rare medical conditions. The PMC Specialty Pharmacy  is equipped to provide specialized medications tailored to the unique needs of these patients. Specialty pharmacies primarily handle high-cost, specialty medications often used to treat complex and chronic conditions such as cancer, autoimmune disorders, rare

    • SEPTEMBER 11, 2023
    Outpatient Pharmacy Offers New and Convenient Features

    Outpatient Pharmacy Offers New and Convenient Features

    The Pikeville Medical Center Pharmacy is known for its commitment to dispensing prescription medications, patient care and convenience. To further the commitment, the pharmacy has undergone a major transformation, introducing a slew of innovative features to better serve its customers. Most recently, drive-thru lanes two and three have been upgraded with a new tube system

Pikeville Medical Center